The South Bay Food Initiative donates food to Food Pantry, LAX in the summer of 2018.

On January 26, 2019 our volunteers helped sort and organize for three hours at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and had a lot of fun doing it. Please go to the "GET INVOLVED" tab to sign up to join us for 3 or more hours of community service. You can make a difference in the fight against food insecurity!

On November 17, 2018 we went to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Our volunteers helped out for three and a half hours and were able to sort hundreds of food items onto shelves at the Food Pantry. "It's very cool, the place looks like a giant grocery store" one of our volunteers shared of his experience.

We can't thank everyone enough who donated food items during the months of Janurary and February 2109! We look forward to donating them to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank this month. We also want to thank all the volunteers who took the time to come out to our event on March 2nd. We are grateful for your support!

Thank you to all of our volunteers, some of whom are pictured here, that came out to help on April 20, 2019 at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. We are grateful for those who have joined us almost every month to lend their support in the fight against food insecurity. You are a great group of committed volunteers that truly make a difference!

In honor of National Hunger Day 2019 we donated to the following Charities:
The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
Project Chicken Soup
The Volunteer Center's Food 4 Kids Program

Congratulations to the National Association of Letter Carriers on another successful Stamp Out Hunger Campaign. Thank you everyone who donated food on May 11th. We are very grateful for the South Bay Food Initiative Team that helped transport the food on May 11, 2019 from the Redondo Beach Post office to Shared Bread Food Pantry, ensuring that the food was delivered to those who needed it most in a timely manner!

It was a lot cooler inside the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank's facility on July 27, 2019 than it was outside! Thanks for taking the time (a few of the volunteers are pictured here) during the summer to help sort food and therefore provide thousands of meals to those in need.
Thank you to our volunteers who helped cook and pack meals at Project Chicken Soup on June 2, 2019. You did a great job!

Thank you to the volunteers, some of whom are pictured here, who came to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank on January 11, 2020 and sorted food for 3.5 hours. You did a great job and helped a lot of people.
Our hardworking volunteers sorted over 5,000 pounds of food on August 31, 2019 at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. That hardworking crew provided thousands of meals for families in Los Angeles! We also had another awesome crew out on October 12th and November 2nd!
On September 15, 2019 our dedicated volunteers cooked meals at Project Chicken Soup, packed those meals and got them ready for delivery! Thank you to all who came out to help!
The first of the food donations from the November/December food drive was delivered on December 5, 2019 to the Volunteer Center South Bay - Harbor - Long Beach's Food 4 Kids Program . Thank you to all of our supporters who helped provide food for our neighbors in need!
The second shipment of food from the food drive was delivered to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Thank you to all of our supporters who helped provide food for our neighbors in need!

Thank you to our volunteers who helped sort food at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank on January 11, 2020. That food will provide thousands of meals for those with food insecurity. We are very grateful for your time and effort!

On February 1st and 29th, a group of dedicated On February 1st and 29th, a group of dedicated volunteers spent three hours sorting food at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. That effort helped provide thousands of our neighbors with meals. Thank you for your time and your support! spent three hours sorting food at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. That effort helped provide thousands of our neighbors with meals. Thank you for your time and your support!

Rex making a large donation to the Food 4 Kids Program in 2021!

By wearing masks and safely recovering food during the pandemic, Rex Robins and team were able to recover close to two tons of food for local families in 2020 and 2021! Great job to all of the volunteer who collected food and transported it. Thank you to Mira Costa High School for your unwavering support. We are extremely grateful!

Our current 2021/2022 leaders are helping to raise awareness by creating a walk in the South Bay to coincide with the West Side Food Bank's annual walk. Thank you to Co-Presidents Luka Zaric and Aidan Murphy and future President Liam Berger for all of your outstanding efforts to create awareness, collect food, and donations to fight food insecurity.

Co-Presidents Luka Zaric and Aidan Murphy are working with local business to collect food, and donations to fight food insecurity. They are depicted here with ANA Trading Company Executives. Thank you to ANA for your support!

2022 President Liam Berger of the Mira Costa South Bay Food Initiative Club is working with local business to collect food, and donations to fight food insecurity.

Current 2023/2024 Co-Presidents of the Palos Verdes High School Lane Flannagan and Finley Mills are recruiting new SBFI members at Club Day. These hard working Presidents have collected tons of food and expanded the club to include middle school and grade school students in the Palos Verdes school district.

​South Bay Food Initiative is featured in the Volunteer Center's newsletter for the outstanding donations from one of our food drives. Featured in the photos are Presidents from Mira Costa High School Ava Nicols and Co-Presidents from Palos Verdes High School Kat Robles and Jack Flannagan. Congratulations for donating the most meals to help feed families in the South Bay.

Current President of Mira Costa High School SBFI Club for 2023, Ava Nicols and Zoe Nicols, her Sister, are manning the booth at TedX in Manhattan Beach. Ava helped expand the SBFI program in Manhattan Beach to local middle and grade schools and collected over 3 tons of food. Way to go Ava!
Ava Nicols, President of Mira Costa High School SBFI Club for 2023/2024 and incoming Co-President Mikey Ingram are raising money for the South Bay Food Initiative during club day by selling muffins. Money will be donated to local food banks in Los Angeles to help feed those in need.

Congratulations to Co-Presidents of the Palos Verdes High School SBFI Club for 2023 Lane Flannagan and Finley Mills for collecting and donating 1,605.5 pounds of food from the Spring 2024 food drive. This food will feed 130 families of 4. We are also grateful for the support of Palos Verdes High Shool. What an amazing accomplishment.
On March 14, 2024, the South Bay Food Initiative helped sort food to be distributed to those in need in the South Bay area. Thank you to all the volunteers who sorted for hours and emptied all the boxes of donated food!

On August 25, 2024, Zoe Nicols and Ryan Rossow helped recover food from My Favorite Company, Inc. and delivered it to the food bank. Another corporate sponsor with a huge heart. Thank you My Favorite Food Company, Inc. for making a difference in the fight against food insecurity and waste!
On September 10, 2024, the South Bay Food Initiative hosted our first educational event at the Richstone Center. Zoe Nicols and Ryan Rossow delivered the first of a many topics discussing an overview of food insecurity, food waste, and nutrition. The event ended with the students making placemats to be given to people experiencing food insecurity, aiding to end a major problem in the Los Angeles area!

On October 6, 2024, the South Bay Food Initiative hosted a booth at the Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair. Zoe Nicols, Mickey Ingram, Ryan Rossow, and other SBFI volunteers educated the community about food insecurity and ways to combat it.
Co-Presidents of the Mira Costa High School SBFI Club Zoe Nicols and Mikey Ingram coordinated and volunteered with many other students at the Journey of Faith to help pack food for children suffering from food insecurity. We are very grateful to our dedicated club Presidents and our amazing volunteers!

Co-Presidents of the Mira Costa High School SBFI Club Zoe Nicols and Mikey Ingram are raising awareness for the South Bay Food Initiative to Mira Costa Students during club day on October 8, 2024.

The South Bay Food Initiative was invited to exhibit at the TedX Manhattan Beach event. It is the largest independent TedX event in the United States. TedX Manhattan Beach helped raise awareness for food insecurity and hosted a food drive at the event. Thank you TedX Manhattan Beach for your incredible support!
The President of the Redondo Unition High School SBFI Club, Kelli Asano, is joined other volunteers to help sort food at the Volunteer Center on November 15, 2024. Thank you to all the amazing helpers who shared their valuable time.

Student volunteers at Mira Costa High School create Thanksgiving banners to be used at various events throughout the month of November.